بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الأسطوانة الرابعة عشرة 14 - كتب علمية باللغة الإنجليزية
▫️♡_تحتوي على الكتب التالية_♡▫️
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Albing - Bash ****book [unix ***** programming] (O'Reilly, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Albing - **** Application Development on Linux (Prentice, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Barkakati - Linux All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies 2e (Wiley, 2006).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Bautts - Linux Network Administrators Guide 3e (O'Reilly, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Benvenuti - Understanding Linux Network Internals (O'Reilly, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Best - Linux Debugging and Performance Tuning (Prentice, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Blanchette - C++ GUI Programming With Qt 4 (Prentice, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Blum - Linux Command Line and ***** ******ing Bible (Wiley, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Bovet - Understanding the Linux Kernel 3e (O'Reilly, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Burtch - Linux ***** ******ing with Bash (Sams, 2004).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Corbet - Linux Device Drivers 3e (O'Reilly, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Dalheimer - Running Linux 5e (O'Reilly, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Dandamudi - Guide To Assembly ******** Programming In Linux (Springer, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Davis - Definitive Guide to Linux Network Programming (Apress, 2004).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Farrokhi - Network Administration with FreeBSD (Packt, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Flenov - Hacker Linux Uncovered (ALIST, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Fox - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed (Sams, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Fusco - The Linux Programmer's Toolbox (Prentice, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Ganssle - Art of Designing Embedded Systems 2e (Newnes, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Garfinkel - Practical Unix and Internet Security 3e (O'Reilly, 2003).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Glass,Ables - Linux for Programmers and Users (Prentice, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Gorman - Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory Manager (Prentice, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\GORMAN~1.PDF
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Granneman - Linux Phrasebook (Sams, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Hacking Exposed - Linux 3e (McGraw, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Hagen - The Definitive Guide to GCC 2e (Apress, 2006).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Hagen - Ubuntu Linux Bible (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Hallinan - Embedded Linux Primer - A Practical Real-World Approach (Prentice, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Hatch - Hacking Exposed - Linux (McGraw, 2001).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Herbert - Linux TCP-IP Stack - Networking for Embedded Systems (Charles River, 2004).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Hong - Building a Server with FreeBSD 7 - Modular Approach (No Starch, 2008).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Hope - Mastering FreeBSD And OpenBSD Security (O'Reilly, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Hudson - Red Hat Fedora 5 Unleashed (Sams, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Hudson - Ubuntu Unleashed (Sams, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Jeff - User Mode Linux [UML] (Prentice, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Joy - Introducing UNIX and Linux (Palgrave, 2002).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Kong - Designing BSD Rootkits - Introduction to Kernel Hacking (No Starch, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Krafft - The Debian System - Concepts and Techniques (No Starch, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Krause - Foundations of GTK Development (Apress, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Lavigne - BSD Hacks (O'Reilly, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\LeBlanc - Linux For Dummies 7e (Wiley, 2006).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Lehey - The Complete FreeBSD 4e (O'Reilly, 2003).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Levine - Linkers and Loaders [compilers, ELF] (Morgan, 2000).djvu
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Loki,Hall - Programming Linux Games [SDL] (No Starch, 2001).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Love - Beginning Unix (Wrox, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Love - Linux Kernel Development 2e (Sams, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Love - Linux System Programming (O'Reilly, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Lucas - Absolute FreeBSD - The Complete Guide to FreeBSD 2e (No Starch, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Lucas - Absolute OpenBSD - UNIX For the Practical Paranoid (No Starch, 2003).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Matthew - Beginning Linux Programming 4e (Wrox, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\McCarty - Learning Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora 4e (O'Reilly, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\McKusick - Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System - Part 1 [UNIX] (AW, 1996).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\McKusick - Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System - Part 2 [UNIX] (AW, 1996).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\McKusick - Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System (AW, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Mecklenburg - Managing Projects with GNU Make 3e (O'Reilly, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Michael - Mastering UNIX ***** ******ing (Wiley, 2003).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Mitchell - Advanced Linux Programming (New Riders, 2001).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Molkentin - The Book of Qt 4 - The Art of Building Qt Applications (No Starch, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Murphy - Managing Software Development with Trac and Subversion (Packt, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Negus - Linux Bible 2007 Edition (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Negus - Linux Bible 2008 Edition (Wiley, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Negus - Linux Troubleshooting Bible (Wiley, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Newham - Learning the bash ***** 2e (O'Reilly, 1998).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Pate - UNIX Filesystems - Evolution, Design and Implementation (Wiley, 2003).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Petersen - Linux - The Complete Reference 6e (McGraw, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Powers - Unix Power Tools 3e (O'Reilly, 2002).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Rankin - Linux Multimedia Hacks - Images, Audio and Video (O'Reilly, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Rash - Linux Firewalls (O'Reilly, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Robbins - Learning the Vi and Vim Editors 7e (O'Reilly, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Robbins - Unix Systems Programming - Communication, Concurrency and Threads (Prentice, 2003).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Rodriguez - Linux Kernel Primer - Top-Down Approach for x86 and PowerPC Arch. (O'Reilly, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Rosen - UNIX - The Complete Reference 2e (McGraw, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Schroder - Linux ****book (O'Reilly, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Schroder - Linux Networking ****book (O'Reilly, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Schwarz - Multitool Linux - Practical Uses for Open Source Software (AW, 2002).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Smith - Advanced Linux Networking (AW, 2002).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Smith - Linux Appliance Design - A Hands-On Guide to Building Linux Appliances (No Starch, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Stevens - Advanced Programming In The UNIX Environment 2e (AW, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Stevens - Unix Network Programming - Vol. I - The Sockets Networking API 3e (AW, 2003).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Stevens - Unix Network Programming - Vol. II - Interprocess Communications 2e (Prentice, 1999).djvu
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Thomas - Beginning Ubuntu Linux - From Novice To Pro (Apress, 2006).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Tiemann - FreeBSD 6 Unleashed (Sams, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Valade - Spring into Linux (AW, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Venkateswaran - Essential Linux Device Drivers (Prentice, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Wall - Linux Programming Unleashed (Sams, 1999).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Ward - How Linux Works - What Every Super-User Should Know (No Starch, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Watters - Solaris 10 - The Complete Reference (McGraw, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Wheeler - Secure Programming for Linux and UNIX HOWTO (2003).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Yaghmour - Building Embedded Linux Systems (O'Reilly, 2003).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Yaghmour - Building Embedded Linux Systems 2e (O'Reilly, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Aitken - Microsoft Outlook 2007 Bible (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Billo - Excel for Scientists and Engineers - Numerical Methods (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Brown - Access VBA Programming (McGraw, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\DeMarco - Pro Excel 2007 VBA (Apress, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Dixon - Excel 2007 Beyond the Manual (Apress, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Etheridge - Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Programming (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Feddema - Access 2007 VBA Bible (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Groh - Microsoft Office Access 2007 Bible (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Grover - Word 2007 for Starters - The Missing Manual (O'Reilly, 2007).chm
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Harvey - Excel 2007 All-In-One Desk Reference for Dummies (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Linoff - Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel (Wiley, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\MacDonald - Access 2007 for Starters - The Missing Manual (O'Reilly, 2007).chm
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\MacDonald - Excel 2007 for Starters - The Missing Manual (O'Reilly, 2007).chm
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Marmel - Microsoft Office Project 2007 Bible (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Morrison - Word 2007 Beyond the Manual (Apress, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Nelson - Excel 2007 Data Analysis for Dummies (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Saunders - Programming Excel with VBA And .NET (O'Reilly, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Simpson - Access 2007 All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Viescas - Microsoft Office Access 2007 Inside Out (Microsoft, 2007).chm
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Walkenbach - Microsoft Office 2007 Bible (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Weverka - Office 2007 All-In-One Desk Reference for Dummies (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Winston - Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Data Analysis and Business Modeling (Microsoft, 2007).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office
مع تمنيات " مكتبة لسان العرب " لقرّائها وأحبّائها ومتابعيها الكرام
بالقراءة الممتعة النافعة والاستفادة العلمية.
▫️_♡_🕋 الله ﷻ_محمد ﷺ 🕌_♡_▫️
▫️ الحجم بالميجا: 994.7
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الأسطوانة الرابعة عشرة 14 - كتب علمية باللغة الإنجليزية
▫️♡_تحتوي على الكتب التالية_♡▫️
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Albing - Bash ****book [unix ***** programming] (O'Reilly, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Albing - **** Application Development on Linux (Prentice, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Barkakati - Linux All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies 2e (Wiley, 2006).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Bautts - Linux Network Administrators Guide 3e (O'Reilly, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Benvenuti - Understanding Linux Network Internals (O'Reilly, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Best - Linux Debugging and Performance Tuning (Prentice, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Blanchette - C++ GUI Programming With Qt 4 (Prentice, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Blum - Linux Command Line and ***** ******ing Bible (Wiley, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Bovet - Understanding the Linux Kernel 3e (O'Reilly, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Burtch - Linux ***** ******ing with Bash (Sams, 2004).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Corbet - Linux Device Drivers 3e (O'Reilly, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Dalheimer - Running Linux 5e (O'Reilly, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Dandamudi - Guide To Assembly ******** Programming In Linux (Springer, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Davis - Definitive Guide to Linux Network Programming (Apress, 2004).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Farrokhi - Network Administration with FreeBSD (Packt, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Flenov - Hacker Linux Uncovered (ALIST, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Fox - Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Administration Unleashed (Sams, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Fusco - The Linux Programmer's Toolbox (Prentice, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Ganssle - Art of Designing Embedded Systems 2e (Newnes, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Garfinkel - Practical Unix and Internet Security 3e (O'Reilly, 2003).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Glass,Ables - Linux for Programmers and Users (Prentice, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Gorman - Understanding the Linux Virtual Memory Manager (Prentice, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\GORMAN~1.PDF
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Granneman - Linux Phrasebook (Sams, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Hacking Exposed - Linux 3e (McGraw, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Hagen - The Definitive Guide to GCC 2e (Apress, 2006).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Hagen - Ubuntu Linux Bible (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Hallinan - Embedded Linux Primer - A Practical Real-World Approach (Prentice, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Hatch - Hacking Exposed - Linux (McGraw, 2001).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Herbert - Linux TCP-IP Stack - Networking for Embedded Systems (Charles River, 2004).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Hong - Building a Server with FreeBSD 7 - Modular Approach (No Starch, 2008).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Hope - Mastering FreeBSD And OpenBSD Security (O'Reilly, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Hudson - Red Hat Fedora 5 Unleashed (Sams, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Hudson - Ubuntu Unleashed (Sams, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Jeff - User Mode Linux [UML] (Prentice, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Joy - Introducing UNIX and Linux (Palgrave, 2002).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Kong - Designing BSD Rootkits - Introduction to Kernel Hacking (No Starch, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Krafft - The Debian System - Concepts and Techniques (No Starch, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Krause - Foundations of GTK Development (Apress, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Lavigne - BSD Hacks (O'Reilly, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\LeBlanc - Linux For Dummies 7e (Wiley, 2006).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Lehey - The Complete FreeBSD 4e (O'Reilly, 2003).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Levine - Linkers and Loaders [compilers, ELF] (Morgan, 2000).djvu
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Loki,Hall - Programming Linux Games [SDL] (No Starch, 2001).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Love - Beginning Unix (Wrox, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Love - Linux Kernel Development 2e (Sams, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Love - Linux System Programming (O'Reilly, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Lucas - Absolute FreeBSD - The Complete Guide to FreeBSD 2e (No Starch, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Lucas - Absolute OpenBSD - UNIX For the Practical Paranoid (No Starch, 2003).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Matthew - Beginning Linux Programming 4e (Wrox, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\McCarty - Learning Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora 4e (O'Reilly, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\McKusick - Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System - Part 1 [UNIX] (AW, 1996).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\McKusick - Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System - Part 2 [UNIX] (AW, 1996).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\McKusick - Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System (AW, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Mecklenburg - Managing Projects with GNU Make 3e (O'Reilly, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Michael - Mastering UNIX ***** ******ing (Wiley, 2003).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Mitchell - Advanced Linux Programming (New Riders, 2001).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Molkentin - The Book of Qt 4 - The Art of Building Qt Applications (No Starch, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Murphy - Managing Software Development with Trac and Subversion (Packt, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Negus - Linux Bible 2007 Edition (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Negus - Linux Bible 2008 Edition (Wiley, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Negus - Linux Troubleshooting Bible (Wiley, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Newham - Learning the bash ***** 2e (O'Reilly, 1998).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Pate - UNIX Filesystems - Evolution, Design and Implementation (Wiley, 2003).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Petersen - Linux - The Complete Reference 6e (McGraw, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Powers - Unix Power Tools 3e (O'Reilly, 2002).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Rankin - Linux Multimedia Hacks - Images, Audio and Video (O'Reilly, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Rash - Linux Firewalls (O'Reilly, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Robbins - Learning the Vi and Vim Editors 7e (O'Reilly, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Robbins - Unix Systems Programming - Communication, Concurrency and Threads (Prentice, 2003).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Rodriguez - Linux Kernel Primer - Top-Down Approach for x86 and PowerPC Arch. (O'Reilly, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Rosen - UNIX - The Complete Reference 2e (McGraw, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Schroder - Linux ****book (O'Reilly, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Schroder - Linux Networking ****book (O'Reilly, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Schwarz - Multitool Linux - Practical Uses for Open Source Software (AW, 2002).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Smith - Advanced Linux Networking (AW, 2002).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Smith - Linux Appliance Design - A Hands-On Guide to Building Linux Appliances (No Starch, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Stevens - Advanced Programming In The UNIX Environment 2e (AW, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Stevens - Unix Network Programming - Vol. I - The Sockets Networking API 3e (AW, 2003).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Stevens - Unix Network Programming - Vol. II - Interprocess Communications 2e (Prentice, 1999).djvu
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Thomas - Beginning Ubuntu Linux - From Novice To Pro (Apress, 2006).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Tiemann - FreeBSD 6 Unleashed (Sams, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Valade - Spring into Linux (AW, 2005).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Venkateswaran - Essential Linux Device Drivers (Prentice, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Wall - Linux Programming Unleashed (Sams, 1999).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Ward - How Linux Works - What Every Super-User Should Know (No Starch, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Watters - Solaris 10 - The Complete Reference (McGraw, 2005).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Wheeler - Secure Programming for Linux and UNIX HOWTO (2003).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Yaghmour - Building Embedded Linux Systems (O'Reilly, 2003).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX\Yaghmour - Building Embedded Linux Systems 2e (O'Reilly, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Aitken - Microsoft Outlook 2007 Bible (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Billo - Excel for Scientists and Engineers - Numerical Methods (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Brown - Access VBA Programming (McGraw, 2004).chm
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\DeMarco - Pro Excel 2007 VBA (Apress, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Dixon - Excel 2007 Beyond the Manual (Apress, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Etheridge - Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Programming (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Feddema - Access 2007 VBA Bible (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Groh - Microsoft Office Access 2007 Bible (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Grover - Word 2007 for Starters - The Missing Manual (O'Reilly, 2007).chm
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Harvey - Excel 2007 All-In-One Desk Reference for Dummies (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Linoff - Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel (Wiley, 2008).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\MacDonald - Access 2007 for Starters - The Missing Manual (O'Reilly, 2007).chm
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\MacDonald - Excel 2007 for Starters - The Missing Manual (O'Reilly, 2007).chm
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Marmel - Microsoft Office Project 2007 Bible (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Morrison - Word 2007 Beyond the Manual (Apress, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Nelson - Excel 2007 Data Analysis for Dummies (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Saunders - Programming Excel with VBA And .NET (O'Reilly, 2006).chm
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Simpson - Access 2007 All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Viescas - Microsoft Office Access 2007 Inside Out (Microsoft, 2007).chm
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Walkenbach - Microsoft Office 2007 Bible (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Weverka - Office 2007 All-In-One Desk Reference for Dummies (Wiley, 2007).pdf
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office\Winston - Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Data Analysis and Business Modeling (Microsoft, 2007).chm
Scientific_books-46\Linux and UNIX
Scientific_books-46\Microsoft Office
مع تمنيات " مكتبة لسان العرب " لقرّائها وأحبّائها ومتابعيها الكرام
بالقراءة الممتعة النافعة والاستفادة العلمية.
▫️_♡_🕋 الله ﷻ_محمد ﷺ 🕌_♡_▫️
▫️ الحجم بالميجا: 994.7
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تلتزم المكتبة بحفظ حقوق الملكية الفكرية للجهات والأفراد; وفق نظام حماية حقوق المؤلف. لقد تم جلب هذا الكتاب من (بحث Google) أو من موقع (archive.org) في حالة الإعتراض على نشره الرجاء مراسلتنا عن طريق بلغ عن الكتاب أو من خلال صفحتنا على الفيسبوك
رجاء دعوة عن ظهر غيب بالرحمة والمغفرة لى ولأبنتى والوالدىن وأموات المسلمين ولكم بالمثل
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